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17.2.2021 | 15:0016:00 | online

Online discussion: A tale of two emergencies – The interplay of sovereign debt and climate crises in the global south

Im Rahmen der Online Diskussion wird unser europäisches Partnernetzwerk EURODAD seinen neuen Bericht zum Thema Staatsschulden und Klimakrise vorstellen. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch mit Simultanübersetzung ins Spanische statt.

Weitere Informationen zu dem Thema finden sich auf unserer Kampagnenseite „Klimagerechtigkeit braucht Entschuldung“.


EURODAD Debt Climate Webinar socialReport presentation and discussion on CSO strategies to tackle sovereign debt and climate crises.

The climate emergency has become a wider focus of policy discussions around debt, as climate vulnerabilities increase the risk of debt crises in countries in the global south. Similarly, unsustainable debt levels can mean less fiscal space and opportunities to face the challenges of adaptation and mitigation, as well as to recover from loss and damage after a climate disaster.

Eurodad’s latest report focuses on how sovereign debt dynamics interact with climate finance and climate emergency impacts in the global south and vice-versa. The briefing, available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese, looks at how climate crises exacerbate debt vulnerabilities but also how existing debt vulnerabilities weaken countries’ capacity to deal with the climate emergency. It also specifically looks at the cumulative impacts of climate and debt crises on women’s rights and gender justice. Finally, the briefing analyses the shortcomings of some of the current climate finance approaches and mechanisms in relation to the risks they pose to climate resilience and debt sustainability. The briefing also outlines some policy recommendations that could help countries in the global south deal with the interconnected impacts of sovereign debt and climate crises in a more fair and sustainable way.

We are pleased to invite you to a webinar where the report and its recommendations will be presented. The presentation will be followed by a discussion on how debt and climate CSOs can strategically tackle both sovereign debt crisis and the climate emergency.

Agenda and Speakers

15:00 Uhr: Introductory remarks

15:05 Uhr: Presentation of the reportIolanda Fresnillo, Policy and Advocacy officer, EURODAD

15:20 Uhr: Questions and debate on the report

15:30 Uhr: Strategy discussion: How can we fight debt and climate crises in 2021?

16:00 Uhr: End 


Please register here by 16 February if you wish to attend. Simultaneous Spanish translation will be provided.


European Network on Debt and Development (EURODAD)