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10.3.2021 | 15:0014.7.2021 | 17:00 | online

Online Course: Debt Wednesdays – Understanding Debt Today

EURODAD-Debt-WednesdaysUnser europäisches Partnernetzwerk EURODAD organisiert einen 7-teiligen Online-Kurs zu den Grundlagen der Staatsschuldenproblematik. Gerade für Neulinge im Thema ist diese Reihe zu empfehlen. Wer 80% der Veranstaltungen besucht, kann am Ende ein Zertifikat erwerben. Der Besuch von nur einzelnen Veranstaltungen ist auch möglich. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Allerdings braucht mensch Sprachkenntnisse: Die Reihe findet auf Englisch mit Simultanübersetzung ins Spanische und Französische statt.

Termin ist immer mittwochs von 15:00-17:00 Uhr. Start ist am Mittwoch, dem 10.03.2021, mit dem Thema „What is public debt? Sovereign debt today and debt sustainability“. Das letzte Seminar findet am Mittwoch, dem 14.07.2021, statt.


Eurodad’s new webinar course, ‘Eurodad’s Debt Wednesdays’, aims to answer questions around a range of debt issues happening around the world. We aim to provide participants with an overview of key aspects of debt in the world today.

Simultaneous Spanish and French translation will be available.

Creditors have set the rules of the sovereign debt architecture, a system that drives developing countries into debt crises. The current architecture is ill-equipped to tackle debt crisis resolution in a timely, just and durable manner. Join the movement to push for a transformative agenda that seeks to promote fundamental reforms to how debt crises are prevented and resolved and to put the needs and rights of people ahead of debt.

The course covers the theoretical framework around sovereign debt issues, as well as practical implications.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the key debt concepts and regional situations, and have an overview of the sovereign debt architecture.
  • Develop an understanding of debt related challenges faced by countries in the global south.
  • Create connections between the different unfolding crises, including debt, development, health and climate crises.
  • Gain confidence in research by discovering how to access resources and database for further research
  • Get more involved in organising and undertaking debt advocacy, ultimately strengthening the capacity of civil society organisations to successfully influence key policy decisions.

Target Audience

The course is aimed at anyone who has a basic knowledge of development finance and debt issues and is eager to learn more. This may include CSOs that work on SDGs, sustainability and debt issues; Eurodad members; youth groups; journalists; activists; students and academics; donor agencies and people in governments who would like to get a clear overview of the current debt landscape.

Additional Features Include

  • Certificate of attendance issued at the end of the course. Minimum requirement: 80% attendance.
  • 100% online. Stable internet connection required.
  • Interactive course: opportunity to directly ask questions to high level experts.
  • Collection of broad literature on the topic.
  • No fees: the course is completely free.

Registration Procedure

To register for the course, please click here.

In case you would like to attend one or more webinars, but you are not interested in getting the additional benefits provided by attending the whole course, registrations will also be open for individual webinars in the series. Make sure to check Eurodad’s website and follow us on Twitter to always stay informed on the next event.



10.3.2021 | 15:00
14.7.2021 | 17:00


European Network on Debt and Development (EURODAD)