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20.7.2021 | 18:0020:30 | online

Online Conference: Accelerating Sustainable Development through Financial Inclusion – Community and Digital Solutions in Uganda (SDG 1, 8, 17)

CHAT der WELTEN in Kooperation mit anderen Partnern bietet eine öffentliche Online-Veranstaltung zu Uganda an. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Beschleunigung einer Nachhaltigen Entwicklung durch Finanzielle Integration. Die Veranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt.

Kristina Rehbein, Politische Koordinatorin von, wird einen Input mit dem Titel „The impact of national debt in Africa / Uganda in achieving the 17 SDGs of Agenda 2030“ geben.


According to FINCA, more than 2 billion people in the world lack access to basic financial services, like savings accounts, loans or insurance products. Globally, 39% of the poorest 40% of households lack an account, making it nearly impossible for them to accumulate savings or establish a financial history to access other financial services. The increase in mobile phones has helped expand financial services – especially for people living in rural areas poorly served by traditional banks. In sub-Saharan Africa, 12% of adults make phone-based payments, mostly through mobile money accounts, a number that reaches 45% in Uganda while many communities have adopted saving and borrowing schemes. Not only can financial services provide budding entrepreneurs with the opportunity to create jobs for themselves, but they can ensure that growing microenterprises will provide opportunities for others in the community to earn income as well.

Join us as we learn from experts in Africa (Uganda) and Germany on the value of these village lending associations and digital financial inclusive services for a sustainable future.

Invitation Online conference “Accelerating Sustainable Development through financial inclusion: Community and Digital Solutions in Uganda. (SDG 1, 8 & 17)“

The language of the event is English.


  • Dorothy Kidza-Zentler, Lecturer for Global Learning- CHAT der WELTEN (CdW), Global facilitator BtE – EpiZ Reutlingen und Future Fashion DEAB Stuttgart
  • James Iga, Lecturer for Global Learning BtE- EPiZ Reutlingen
  • Jeremiah Ssekabira, SDG youth advocate & Coordinator of “Chat Mit Uganda” (CMU)

Guest Speakers

  • Kristina Rehbein, Political coordinator at, Germany
  • Horace Mugabi, ICT Lawyer, Uganda


The technical requirement for participation is an internet-enabled device (computer, tablet or Handy…)

The event takes place as part of “CHAT der WELTEN” programme. Participation is free of charge.

Further information and registration:

After successful registration, the participants will receive the link to the event by email.



Entwicklungspädagogisches Informationszentrum im Kreis Reutlingen (EPiZ)
Chat mit Uganda (CMU)