Strengthening Regional, European and Global CSO Umbrella Organisations

The project aims at strengthening the institutional, operational and representational capacity of the Eurodad network to undertake coordinated actions and advocate for policy changes that help ensure a democratically controlled, environmentally sustainable financial and economic system that works to eradicate poverty and ensure human rights for all.

Eurodad is a strong and dynamic network of around 50 European NGOs in 20 countries. Eurodad works for transformative yet specific changes to global and European policies and institutions to ensure a democratically controlled, environmentally sustainable, financial and economic system that works to eradicate poverty and ensure human rights for all. The key issue areas are tax justice, ending debt crises, effective aid, and publicly-backed private finance. Eurodad is also entering new issue areas – financial sector rules, investment treaties and climate finance.

Main goal

The project aims at strengthening the understanding of the members on the themes and goals of Eurodad, the enhancement of their competences, so that they would be able to work effectively on these topics and the goals within their countries and constitutions. In particular, Glopolis participates in the analysis of the financial regulations, in mapping topics in countries where Eurodad is not represented, in identifying potential partners which could get engaged in Eurodad’s topics to join its actions and become members of Eurodad.

Project Leading Organisation

Eurodad – The European Network on Debt a Development


ActionAid UK (UK)
DDCI – Debt and Development Coalition Ireland (Ireland)
Demnet – Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights (Hungary)
Ekvilib Inštitut (Slovenia) (Germany)
Glopolis (Czech Republic)
IBIS (Denmark)
Instytut Globalnej Odpowiedzialnosci – IGO (Poland)
Re:Common (Italy)
Stichting Both ENDS (Netherlands)
Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen – SOMO (Netherlands)
Weltwirtschaft, Ökologie & Entwicklung – WEED e.V. (Germany)
Xarxa Observatori del Deute en la Globalització – ODG (Spain)

Coverage of the action

all EU member states, through expansion of the Eurodad network, (currently covers Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) and other European countries: Norway, Switzerland, through Eurodad members in those countries. Africa: through cooperation with sister network, Afrodad. Asia: through cooperation with sister network, Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development. Latin America: through cooperation with sister network Latindadd


  This project is co-funded by the European Union